New: Arisaka Defense Stock Angle Adapter

Rifle shooters are constantly on the lookout for aftermarket items to enhance the shootability and their own accuracy with their gun of choice. With unique customization in mind, Arisaka Defense has created the Stock Angle Adapter to make rifles even more ergonomic and comfortable to shoot.
Praecore Performance’s Mike Olivella has been in since the ground floor on the creation of the Arisaka Defense Stock Angle Adapter. Olivella had the following to say about the adapter:
“The Stock Angle Adapter is the first installment in a series of precision rifle focused, ergonomic upgrades. The geometry of most popular carbine stocks support a variety of shooting techniques and work well within those requirements. However, if we take a look at any modern, precision focused bolt gun chassis, you will note that all of them feature a 90 degree angle for the recoil pad. This isn’t by accident. This geometry promotes greater contact surface area for one of the critical alignment components of a shooter’s position behind the rifle.
Arisaka took my requirements and went a step further by incorporating a simple and lightweight solution to the critical fitting components of recoil pad height and cant. Different optic mount and shooter requirements have shown in testing there is almost no wrong configuration, but I do have my favorites. The finishing touch that can’t be overlooked is how Arisaka made this accessory to not only work with a few common carbine stocks but also allowed it to accept a popular aftermarket recoil pad. For gas gun precision rifle shooters, this upgrade offers your rifle a lightweight, custom fit solution for your recoil pad with an extra bump up in surface area for your rear support.”

Features of the Stock Angle Adapter include:
- Alters the angle of the recoil pad, shifting it perpendicular to the bore axis
- Makes the recoil pad adjustable for both height and cant
- Use of the adapter makes the stock compatible with the use of Magpul SL pads
- Ships with either the MOE SL Enhanced Recoil Pad or the Magpul SL Limbsaver Recoil Pad (one of the two pads must be used with this model)
- CTR Bag Rider (additional pieces increase cost)

The Arisaka Defense Stock Angle Adapter is designed to aid in the alignment and recoil management of semi-auto gas guns. This adapter was specifically made with models like the LMT MWS and KAC SR25 in mind. Being able to adjust both the height and cant means the shooter can customize fit more precisely to their own physiology. The end result makes the CTR stocks similar to a precision bolt gun stock. According to the manufacturer, an OEM CTR pad won’t work with the Stock Angle Adapter; rifle shooters must use our favorite, either the SL Limbsaver recoil pad or a Magpul SL recoil pad.

Base MSRP $59.00. Price increases when optional add-ons are included.